Wetland Studies and Solutions WSSI LEED Gold Building

There's No One Better in the Field

Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. (WSSI) is the leading environmental and cultural resources consultant in the Mid-Atlantic region. Our experts work with both the public and private sectors providing innovative solutions that balance environmental protection & land use goals.


WSSI emerged from The Michael Rolband Company, a real estate development firm which specialized in environmentally-challenged sites. In 1991, the organization incorporated under the new name of Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. to reflect our shift in focus to Clean Water Act permitting and the regulatory requirements of state and local water protection efforts, including Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act. WSSI became a Wholly Owned Subsidiary of The Davey Tree Expert Company in 2014.

Click here to view our brochure and company video.

Our Leadership

WSSI is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Davey Tree Expert Company. Within our organization, we are led by a group of talented leaders in the natural and cultural resources industry; they make up the Executive Management Group.

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WSSI has earned numerous awards and commendations from government agencies and private groups alike, which are a testament to our leadership and excellence in environmental and cultural resources.

See Awards List

Our LEED-Gold Building

In 2005, we built our headquarters in Gainesville – Virginia’s first Gold-certified building under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system.


  • As an environmental scientist, I have enjoyed working on projects that are at the forefront of wetland and stream restoration, preservation, and ongoing research.

    Anna Oehser, Project Environmental Scientist, Gainesville/Science Department

  • WSSI is a well-respected organization with industry-leading professionals who challenge and motivate incoming staff to excel within their respective fields.

    Dan Kozel, GISP, Senior Geospatial Analyst, Gainesville/GIS Department